Meet Our Founder

Hi there! I'm Michelle, founder of Luna Bella Jewelry. I am Mexican-American and love anything that is beauty and fashion related. I also am a mental health advocate and hope to help inspire others to love, value who they are, but most importantly to be authentically themselves. Jewelry has always been apart of me since I was young and has been one of my favorite ways of self expression. As long as I remember I've wanted to incorporate jewelry into something more, to share and inspire others to showcase their own self expression, with something as simplistic as jewelry. To achieve this mission is why I have created Luna Bella Jewelry. These pieces are meant to be meaningful, special and a representation of a daily reminder that hopefully resonates with you. Thank you for taking the time to get to know a little bit about me and for supporting Luna Bella Jewelry.

Luna Bella Friendly Reminder: Passion Fuels Purpose